El primer ejemplo es Song to the Sirens de Tim Buckley. Hay en ella alusión al canto de las sirenas.
Long afloat on shipless oceans
I did all my best to smile
til your singing eyes and fingers
Drew me loving to your isle
And you sang
Sail to me
Sail to me
Let me enfold you
Here I am
Here I am
Waiting to hold you
Did I dream you dreamed about me?
Were you hare when I was fox?
Now my foolish boat is leaning
Broken lovelorn on your rocks,
For you sing, touch me not, touch me not, come back tomorrow:
O my heart, o my heart shies from the sorrow
I am puzzled as the newborn child
I am troubled at the tide:
Should I stand amid the breakers?
Should I lie with death my bride?
Hear me sing, swim to me, swim to me, let me enfold you:
Here I am, here I am, waiting to hold you.
El segundo ejemplo de mito en el pop es Casandra.
Casandra es hija de Príamo, rey de Troya, y Hécuba; su hermano gemelo es Héleno. Cuando nació, sus padres dieron una fiesta en el templode Apolo Timbreo, situado fuera de las puertas de Troya, a cierta distancia. Al anochecer Príamo y Hécuba se marcharon, tras la fiesta en el templo de Apolo, olvidando en el templo a sus gemelos, que pasaron la noche en el santuario. Cuando al día siguiente fueron a recogerlos, vieron cómo dos serpientes están enroscadas a sus hijos dormidos, pasándoles sus lenguas por los órganos de los sentidos. En adelante los dos poseerán el don profético, que les habían comunicado la "purificación" de las serpientes.
Generalmente se considera a Casandra como una profetisa "inspirada", igual que la Pitia o la Sibila. El dios tomaba posesión de ella, y, en pleno delirio, ella formulaba los oráculos.
Cassandra (ABBA)
Down in the street they're all singing and shouting
Staying alive though the city is dead
Hiding their shame behind hollow laughter
While you are crying alone on your bed
Pity Cassandra that no one believed you
But then again you were lost from the start
Now we must suffer and sell our secrets
Bargain, playing smart, aching in our hearts
Sorry Cassandra I misunderstood
Now the last day is dawning
Some of us wanted but none of us would
Listen to words of warning
But on the darkest of nights
Nobody knew how to fight
And we were caught in our sleep
Sorry Cassandra I didn't believe
You really had the power
I only saw it as dreams you would weave
Until the final hour
So in the morning your ship will be sailing
Now that your father and sister are gone
There is no reason for you to linger
You're grieving deeply but still moving on
You know the future is casting a shadow
No one else sees it but you know your fate
Packing your bags, being slow and thorough
Knowing, though you're late, that ship is sure to wait
Sorry Cassandra I misunderstood
Now the last day is dawning
Some of us wanted but none of us would
Listen to words of warning
But on the darkest of nights
Nobody knew how to fight
And we were caught in our sleep
Sorry Cassandra I didn't believe
You really had the power
I only saw it as dreams you would weave
Until the final hour
I watched the ship leaving harbour at sunrise
Sails almost slack in the cool morning rain
She stood on deck, just a tiny figure
Rigid and restrained, blue eyes filled with pain
Sorry Cassandra I misunderstood
Now the last day is dawning
Some of us wanted but none of us could
Listen to words of warning
But on the darkest of nights
Nobody knew how to fight
And we were caught in our sleep
Sorry Cassandra I didn't believe
You really had the power
I only saw it as dreams you would weave
Until the final hour
I'm sorry Cassandra
I'm sorry Cassandra
Casandra tiene otro ejemplo en español. El de Ismael Serrano. En ella se hace referencia al castigo impuesto a la troyana: profetizar sin ser escuchada y ser tomada por loca. El autor nos habla de su propia canción.
Casandra (Ismael Serrano)
Casandra vio en sueños el futuro.
En la sombra de una pesadilla Casandra leyó
los versos de ese poema que aún no han escrito
los dioses que, riendo, la hirieron con su maldición.
Supo del hambre y de las guerras de siempre,
de bufones celebrando el odio, bailando entre hogueras,
de despedidas y de monstruos minerales
bebiendo insaciables la savia dulce del planeta.
Casandra vio a hombres y mujeres
dormitando en sus burbujas
tras las máscaras del miedo.
Mas también vio la luz del alba
asomar por la cancela que nadie jamás abrió.
Supo que aún quedaban esperanzas,
que otros sueños la esperaban.
Casandra habló a todos de sus sueños
mas nadie la oyó.
Nadie creyó en Casandra y sus visiones
y la gente sólo vio en su augurio delirio y locura.
La condenaron a vagar perdida y sola.
Herejía es mostrar la verdad descarnada y desnuda.
Abandonada tras los años la encontró
un muchacho que andaba buscando esperanza y respuestas.
Casandra habló con pasión de sus presagios
y de la luz del amanecer brillando tras la puerta.
Creo en ti Casandra. No estás loca.
Se besaron y en su boca florecieron madreselvas.
Dulce Casandra, ponte de pie.
Y o te he conocido antes. Quizá te soñé.
Hay quien duda ya y cree en la leyenda.
Juntos buscarán la puerta.
Dulce mañana.
Yo, no se tú...
creo en Casandra.
There may be no golden fleece,
But human riches I'll release
Oh, my head is spinning like the world and
it's filled with beasts I've seen,
Let me put my bag down and I'll tell you
it all right from the start,
Like the scarlet woman who would pick on
the boys she thought were green,
And the two faced man who made a hobby
of breaking his wife's heart.
Seems the more I travel,
From the foam to gravel,
As the nets unravel,
All exotic fish I find like Jason and the Argonauts
There may be no golden fleece,
But human riches I'll release
I was in a land where men force women to
hide their facial features,
And here in the west it's just the same but
they're using make-up veils.
I've seen acts of every shade of terrible
crime from man-like creatures,
And I've had the breath of liars blowing
me off course in my sails.
Seems the more I travel,
From the foam to gravel,
As the nets unravel,
All exotic fish I find like Jason and the Argonauts
There may be no golden fleece,
But human riches I'll release.
I have watched the manimals go by
Buying shoes, buying sweets, buying knives.
I have watched the manimals and cried
Buying time, buying ends to other peoples lives.
Jason and the Argonauts
There may be no golden fleece,
But human riches I'll release.
Jason and the Argonauts
There may be no golden fleece,
But human riches I'll release.
2 comentarios:
Excelente artículo con excelente y utilísima información para toda la comunidad. Y decías que yo estaba más puesto que tú en estas cosas de la música...Muchísimas gracias por esta aportación. Un saludo muy cordial.
Muchas gracias por seguir mi modesto trabajo y ¡adelante tú también! La verdad es que la música moderna es una auténtica caja de sorpresas; a ver cuando me meto en el heavy.
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